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TLS Profiles

API Connect supports TLS Profiles for securing data transmission over HTTPS.

Secure Connection between two parties

Type of TLS Profiles

  1. TLS Server Profile : Gateway uses to configure its endpoint during API execution.

  2. TLS Client Profile : System uses to connect with another endpoint over TLS.

Components of TLS Profiles

  1. TLS protocol version (1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3)

  2. Cipher suites to secure HTTPS communication within the API Connect system.

  3. Keystores contain public and private key pairs.

  4. Truststores contain public keys for trusted 3rd party services.

Viewing TLS Profiles?


  1. Login to the Cloud Manager UI

  2. Click Resources

  3. Select TLS

Creating TLS Server Profile


  1. Login to the Cloud Manager UI

  2. Click Resources

  3. Select TLS

  4. Click Create

  5. Enter the fields to configure. (WIP-Add SC)

Creating TLS Client Profile

  1. Login to the Cloud Manager UI

  2. Click Resources

  3. Select TLS

  4. Click Create

  5. Enter the fields to configure. (WIP-Add SC)