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API Connect Troubleshooting

APIC is not up and components should be up in order!

  1. backrest and postgres

  2. pgbouncer

  3. lur

  4. juhu

  5. ldap

  6. nats

  7. stan

  8. taskmaager

  9. mgmt-ui

  10. portal proxy analyt proxy client dowload server

  11. websocket proxy

  12. apiconnect

  13. turnstile

  14. hub

API Protection error while publishing APIs on

  1. Check api_protection is enabled for webhook: apicops debug:info for all domains.

  2. Reregister gateways and apply the steps below:

  1. Edit GW Services summary to send an update and test management-gateway communication.

  2. Check tasks in API Manager Catalog Settings. There should not be any queued tasks.